Leica DMS1000

Low-to-Mid Range Magnification

Digital microscope system for digital inspection, observation and measurement. From tiniest detail to an overview, the optics ensures magnification of up to 300x. The built-in HDMI microscope camera provides full high definition live images of up to 30fps and a resolution of 5Mpixels.

Take a fresh look at your samples on a monitor without the need of eyepieces. High-quality, full color still images as well as Full-HD movies are possible.

The Leica DMS1000 with coded zoom optics can be used as stand-alone or connected to a computer offering accurate 2D-measurements by using Leica Application Suite (LAS) software.

For special diagnostics requirements, there is the Leica DMS1000 B, a version certified for in-vitro-applications like in-vitro-fertilization (IVF).

An ideal solution for detecting large particles: Cleanliness Expert

The Leica DMS-based Cleanliness Expert systems are ideal for the measurement of particle length and breadth as well as for differentiating between reflective and non-reflective particles. The compact digital microscope systems are available
in two configurations:

1.) manual zoom (Leica DMS300 Cleanliness Expert),
2.) coded version (Leica DMS1000 Cleanliness Expert).
Click stop positions can be activated in both versions

› High optical performance
› ISO conformed detection of particles down to 20 μm
› Differentiation between reflective (metallic) and non-reflective (plastic)
› Automatic storage of magnification and camera settings for each configuration
› Compact design
› No parallax error as on stereo microscopes, due to single beam path
› Manual or coded optic carrier