Autofocus measuring microscope (VM-500Plus)
- Great image quality and incredibly fast autofocus
- Focus point can be selected by clicking
- Built-in high-definition HDMI integrated camera, directly connected to HDMI display, can take pictures or videos;
- With adjustable LED illumination, is able to control brightness independently
- Foto and video recording features
- USB storage
- Easy and quick switching between live and recorded images
- Edge detection
- 60fps
- Avaible with various stands
Ultra-depth measuring microscope (VM-650)
- Great image quality and excellent depth composition
- Built-in high-definition HDMI integrated camera, directly connected to HDMI display, can take pictures or videos;
- With adjustable LED illumination, is able to control brightness independently
- Foto and video recording features
- USB storage
- Easy and quick switching between live and recorded images
- Edge detection
- 60fps
- Avaible with various stands
- Avaible magnification 5X~3000X
Measurement functions

Depth composition feature
a technique that combines multiple images taken at different focal depths into a single image. This process, also known as focus stacking or z-stacking, enhances the depth of field and ensures that all parts of the specimen are in focus simultaneously. By merging these images, the resulting composite image displays a greater depth and clarity than what can be achieved with a single photograph taken at a fixed focal plane. This technique is particularly useful for observing specimens with varying topographies and thicknesses.

Caravan Hungaria Kft.
+36 30 511 2030
Office address:
H-1174 Budapest, Orgoványi u. 4
Ipari Park
Our company mainly deals with the distribution of digital microscopes, measuring instruments and their related accessories.
Additionally, we undertake custom measurements (2D, 3D) to find solutions to your problems without investing in a measuring instrument.